Sacred sovereign bodywork

Your body is meant to move freely, stay flexible and be pain free. When it doesn’t, we experience stress, fatigue, discomfort and distress.

If you have struggled to find ease in your body or not received the results you want through traditional massage, chiropractic, or other bodywork support I may be able to help

I am not a massage therapist. Please understand my purpose is to restore body function, ease, flexibility, and reduce pain but DO NOT offer ‘relaxation’ sessions. My focus is restoring ease and homeostasis in your body.

Symptoms which have been relieved with Emmett Technique include:

  • Neck and shoulder restriction
  • Lymphatic congestion and breathing
  • Headaches, dizziness and sinus congestion
  • Abdominal cramps and bowel discomfort
  • Persistent heel and foot pain
  • Back and hip discomfort
  • Knee and ankle restrictions

And much, much more!


Emmett Technique

Adapted from official site:

“The EMMETT Technique is a unique form of body therapy. It involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points, referred to as ‘Emmett points’. The points are not the same as traditional trigger points or acupressure points or any other points described in any other therapy.

The pressure required to stimulate the EMMETT points does not need to be firm or painful. ‘No pain no gain’ has no place in EMMETT Technique philosophy. The EMMETT Therapist is skilled in the art of applying the right amount of pressure, in the right direction, for the right amount of time.

It is this combination of elements, unique to each individual, which creates the desired physical change. Although often combined with other techniques, the EMMETT Technique is an efficient and effective therapy on its own.”

Emmett Practitioners are highly adaptable to the needs of their clients. The motto of the ‘Chameleon Approach’, is that an Emmett practitioner has the ability to assess and tailor the treatment according to the specific needs and beliefs of each client.


Chiropractic Assistant Licence #7974
Emmett Technique
Bowen Technique/Importance Of Symmetry
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
Emotional Freedom Technique
Muscle Testing/Kinesiology
integrating coaching and bodywork

Everyone is unique. Some things work for some people and not for others. Sacred Sovereign coaching and bodywork involves an intuitive flow of recognizing which modalities work for you at any given time.

We only work with what you trust and what feels comfortable to you.

And, I invite you to be curious.

“…and I said to my body, softly. ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath, and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.'” ~Anon

Sacred sovereign bodywork

Your body is meant to move freely, stay flexible and be pain free. When it doesn’t, we experience stress, fatigue, discomfort and distress.

If you have struggled to find ease in your body or not received the results you want through traditional massage, chiropractic, or other bodywork support I may be able to help

I am not a massage therapist. Please understand my purpose is to restore body function, ease, flexibility, and reduce pain but DO NOT offer ‘relaxation’ sessions. My focus is restoring ease and homeostasis in your body.

Symptoms which have been relieved with Emmett Technique include:

  • Neck and shoulder restriction
  • Lymphatic congestion and breathing
  • Headaches, dizziness and sinus congestion
  • Abdominal cramps and bowel discomfort
  • Persistent heel and foot pain
  • Back and hip discomfort
  • Knee and ankle restrictions

And much, much more!


Emmett Technique

Adapted from official site:

“The EMMETT Technique is a unique form of body therapy. It involves the application of light finger pressure at specific points, referred to as ‘Emmett points’. The points are not the same as traditional trigger points or acupressure points or any other points described in any other therapy.

The pressure required to stimulate the EMMETT points does not need to be firm or painful. ‘No pain no gain’ has no place in EMMETT Technique philosophy. The EMMETT Therapist is skilled in the art of applying the right amount of pressure, in the right direction, for the right amount of time.

It is this combination of elements, unique to each individual, which creates the desired physical change. Although often combined with other techniques, the EMMETT Technique is an efficient and effective therapy on its own.”

Emmett Practitioners are highly adaptable to the needs of their clients. The motto of the ‘Chameleon Approach’, is that an Emmett practitioner has the ability to assess and tailor the treatment according to the specific needs and beliefs of each client.


Chiropractic Assistant Licence #7974
Emmett Technique
Bowen Technique/Importance Of Symmetry
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
Emotional Freedom Technique
Muscle Testing/Kinesiology
integrating coaching and bodywork

Everyone is unique. Some things work for some people and not for others. Sacred Sovereign coaching and bodywork involves an intuitive flow of recognizing which modalities work for you at any given time.

We only work with what you trust and what feels comfortable to you.

And, I invite you to be curious.

“…and I said to my body, softly. ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath, and replied, ‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.'” ~Anon